When deciding to sell your house, it's natural for questions and uncertainties to arise. In this process, having the right information is key to making informed decisions. We will address the ten most common concerns that typically arise, providing detailed answers.
What is the appropriate price for my property?
To determine the value of your home, you can use online platforms and compare it with similar properties in your area. However, the experience of a real estate professional is crucial for an accurate and secure valuation. The real estate agent has specialized training and knowledge of the local market, providing personalized advice.
What are the expenses or taxes when selling a property?
Selling involves various costs, including taxes such as income tax (IRPF), municipal capital gains tax (plusvalía municipal), property tax (IBI), as well as fees for real estate services and outstanding payments.
How long will it take to sell my house?
The duration of the sale is influenced by the location and market conditions. In Spain, the average is 32 weeks, although specific factors can speed up or prolong this process.
In 2023, 20% of homes were sold within a week, and 15% between one week and one month. These figures are a useful indicator for managing expectations.
Is it necessary to inform the buyer about the overall condition of the property?
Yes, a technical report is mandatory. This document details the features and possible deficiencies of the property, providing transparency to the buyer.

Is it necessary to sign a contract before the property purchase?
Although the earnest money contract is not mandatory, its use is common and provides security to both parties. This document establishes the conditions of the sale and can vary in its terms.
What happens if the buyer doesn't get the mortgage or decides not to purchase?
In situations of non-compliance, the earnest money contract plays a crucial role. Depending on its terms, the buyer could lose the deposit given as security.
Is it mandatory to formalize the property purchase before a notary?
Although it is not obligatory, formalizing the transaction before a notary is recommended to ensure legal security for both parties. This step confirms the legality and validity of the agreement.
How is the ownership of essential services changed?
Changing the ownership of services like water, electricity, and gas involves contacting the respective companies, providing information, and verifying the change on the new bill.
Addressing these doubts comprehensively is essential for a successful selling experience. Preparation and understanding of each aspect contribute to a more informed and smooth real estate transaction.